Léon Baudouin Léon Baudouin

Creative developer Creative developer

Mamie DangerMamie Danger

Mobile Game - 2020

In the mobile game Mamie Danger, you play as a young student who meets Mamie Josette, a grandmother who has a hard time crossing the street alone. Through different levels, the player will help her get around a dangerous city and overcome the obstacles. Slowly, a complicity and a connection will emerge between the two generations.

What is it ?

Mamie Danger is a game that mixes puzzles and dexterity challenges. Our objective is to show the gap between generations and the difficulties that the elderly can encounter when moving around a city.


This project was the first long-term project I had to do for Gobelins. I worked on it with another developer, Théo Lemoine, and two designers, Ronan Champigny and Marie-Liesse de Solages.


This project was created using Unity. I was in charge of the render pipeline, of the UX of the game and I integrated the UI. It was an opportunity for me to go deeper into the Unity shader graph and I decided to use it for most of the UI.

La vie d'une oeuvre
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